Take Your Crypto Journey to the Next Level. Join cakeELITE.
Do you want to enjoy more premium benefits and privileges as a Cake DeFi user? If yes, then you’re in luck. Introducing cakeELITE - an exclusive membership plan that helps you unlock special platform features, incentives, bonuses and other amazing perks that regular users can only dream of.
Here’s how it works.
By joining cakeELITE you will…
Enjoy a significant boost on your rewards
As a member of cakeELITE, you’ll receive a multiplier on the crypto rewards that you earn from our services. That means more passive income and even greater growth of your cryptocurrency holdings over time.
For example, if you’re already earning $10 worth of crypto rewards per month, you can get a $15 booster on top of that amount by simply joining the cakeELITE monthly membership.
Receive priority support from our team
Do you have any requests or concerns that need immediate attention? Don’t worry. As a member of cakeELITE, you’re assigned with exclusive email and WhatsApp channels that allows you to receive priority support from our customer service team.
Be able to withdraw funds at no extra charge
Get to enjoy your rewards and withdraw your funds from the Cake DeFi platform without having to worry about withdrawal fees. That’s right. As a member of cakeELITE, you’re entitled to free withdrawals from the Cake DeFi platform - making it easy for you to withdraw funds as much as you're allowed under your monthly or yearly membership, without worrying about withdrawal fees.
Be the first to know, use and enjoy special Cake DeFi offerings
With cakeELITE, you not only get to enjoy premium benefits but also exclusive access to new product releases, limited edition swag items and a range of tools and features that aren't available to regular users, giving you an edge in the market.
Discounted swaps (available in Q2 of 2023)
As a cakeELITE member, you're eligible to get a discount on the normal DEX swap fee which is 0.5%. The exact discounts depend on whether you're a monthly or yearly member:
- Monthly: After 3 months, you'll get a discounted swap fee of 0.45%. After 6 months, you'll get a discounted swap fee of 0.4%.
- Yearly: Get to enjoy a discounted swap fee of 0.35%.
Priority withdrawals (available in Q2 of 2023)
We understand the importance of quick access to your crypto assets. As a cakeELITE yearly member, you can enjoy peace of mind with priority withdrawals, allowing you to receive your assets urgently when needed. Please note that this only applies to same-network withdrawals (for example, BTC to Bitcoin network withdrawals).
Here’s your cakeELITE benefits at a glance

Are you ready to be an ELITE? Join now.
Don't settle for the status quo as a regular Cake DeFi user. Choose to be a member of cakeELITE and enjoy all the exciting benefits it has to offer! To be a member, click here.
If you want to know more about cakeELITE, click here to visit our FAQ page. If you want to join cakeELITE but haven’t signed up for a Cake DeFi account yet, click here.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the information on this blog and in any articles posted on this blog is for general information only and should not be relied upon as financial advice. Cake Pte. Ltd., Cake DeFi, UAB, and its affiliates (the “Cake Group”) are not licensed financial advisers. You may wish to approach your own independent financial advisor before making any decision to buy, sell or hold any product and/or digital assets mentioned in this blog.
Any views, opinions, references, assertions of fact and/or other statements are not necessarily the views held by the Cake Group. The Cake Group disclaims any liability whatsoever that may arise out of or in connection with such statements. Always do your own research before investing in any financial assets and consult a qualified financial advisor if necessary.