Join Our Bitcoin Pizza Day Campaign. Win 1-Year Supply of Pizza.

May 8, 2023

Win your chance for a year’s supply of pizza by joining our Bitcoin Pizza Day Campaign and accurately predicting the prices of both Bitcoin (BTC) and DeFiChain (DFI) on 07 June 2023 at 23:55 SGT.

Sounds easy? Here’s how it works.

1. You must be a registered Cake DeFi user with at least a KYC level 1 account. If you want to join but haven’t signed up yet, click here.

2. Click here to enter your price predictions for both BTC (up to 1 decimal place) and DFI (up to 2 decimal places). Examples of valid price predictions are $28,123.5 for BTC and $0.45 for DFI.

3. Promo period is from 08 May 2023 (16:00 SGT) to 29 May 2023 (16:00 SGT). Make sure to submit your price predictions during this period.

4. Winning predictions will be based on the prices displayed at on 07 June 2023 at 23:55 SGT.

5. Winners will be notified by our team two weeks after the end of the campaign period.

What prizes are at stake?

  • Win a share of the $5,500 prize pool in BTC if you accurately predict the price of BTC (up to 1 decimal place).
  • Win 1 month cakeELITE membership for free if you accurately predict the price of DFI (up to 2 decimal places).

Want to know more about Bitcoin Pizza Day?

Bitcoin Pizza Day marks the anniversary of the first ever transaction using BTC. On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz - a programmer living in Miami, Florida - famously ordered two pizzas from Papa John's for 10,000 BTC. The momentous event has now become a widely celebrated tradition in the cryptocurrency community, where participants celebrate and honor the revolutionary use case that was born out of one man’s love for pizza.

Since then, the value of each bitcoin has grown exponentially, with its value currently sitting at around $29,000. Had Laszlo kept his 10K BTC instead of spending it on two pizzas, he would have now been able to purchase over $290 million worth of pizza!

Want to know more about cakeELITE?

cakeELITE is an exclusive membership plan that helps you unlock additional bonuses and incentives from Cake DeFi. By joining cakeELITE, you are able to receive a boost of up to 2.5X on the crypto rewards that you generate from our services.

In addition, you’ll receive priority support from our customer service team. This means that you’ll get personalized assistance and swift responses to your queries and concerns. Plus, you're entitled to free withdrawals from the Cake DeFi platform - making it easy for you to withdraw funds as much as you're allowed under your monthly or yearly membership, without worrying about withdrawal fees.

For more information about cakeELITE, click here.

So, what are you waiting for? Join now and celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day like never before!

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Any views, opinions, references, assertions of fact and/or other statements are not necessarily the views held by the Cake Group. The Cake Group disclaims any liability whatsoever that may arise out of or in connection with such statements. Always do your own research before investing in any financial assets and consult a qualified financial advisor if necessary.



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