The New Freezer — More Coins in Your Bakery With Just One Click

Mar 8, 2021

Dear Bakers,

It’s about time to put on your oven mitts, because what we’re going to present today is so hot that you’d otherwise burn your fingers. Once again we’ve wrapped our heads together and invested our valuable baking resources to follow through on our promise to revamp the current ‘Freezer’. As a result, we’re beyond proud to introduce our newly designed ‘Freezer’, which will go live on 08 March 2021 at 12:00 CET (19:00 SGT).  

While the current ’Freezer’ is part of the Confectionary program, the all-new ‘Freezer’ will be detached from it, and will be implemented as a stand-alone product. At first, the new Freezer will only support DFI staking. However, we already have firm plans in our flour drawers to roll it out to the majority of our current and future product lines like Lapis, Dash and other staking coins and even stocks.

On top of that we have reduced the minimum deposit required from 10,000 DFI to just 1 DFI, allowing more bakers to enjoy the flexibility and advantages of the new ‘Freezer’. Besides that, we’re also getting rid of the fixed lock-in period. With the new ‘Freezer’, we want to empower our bakers to individually set their preferential lock-away period — from just a few days to as long as several years — adjustable in just a few clicks. At the same time, the underlying mathematical function guarantees an incremental rise in APY — the longer you lock away your investment, the higher your APY gets!

Do note that all status privileges associated with the current status levels like ‘Apprentice’, ‘Baker’, ‘Master Baker’, etc. will be extended until the final rollout of the new Confectionary / VIP program and the new Referral program. To give you a little foretaste to these new products, we are planning to release the new Referral program at the end of Q1 and the new Confectionary / VIP program sometime in Q2 2021.

But now it’s time to showcase our new ‘Freezer’. For this job, we’ve hired Alice and Bob, the two most experienced bakers in town, to take you on a tour through our amazing new ‘Freezer’. Alice is still a student, lives at home and just wants to invest 1,000 DFI, whereas Bob has saved his whole life and is willing to invest 100,000 DFI by using the ‘Freezer’. Both have the option of withdrawing their returns or of reinvesting and compounding them (Figure 1).

Figure 1: How does the ‘Freezer’ work

After Alice has bought 1,000 DFI on Cake, she navigates to the ‘Freezer’ and she considers the myriad freezing options her favorite crypto company offers. After which, she scrolls down to the yield calculator and keys in the amount of DFI she wants to freeze as well as considering the targeted investment period. Figure 2 shows that Alice would receive nearly $US 1,170 by staking her 1,000 DFI for 6 months. However, if she now decides to lock away her DFI for 6 months using the ‘Freezer’, then she would earn an additional $US 23 extra.

Figure 2: Alice’s investment - 6 months

Yet, if she now decides to lock away her DFI savings for 10 years, then she would be able to enjoy an 85% discount on the staking fees (Figure 3). The difference compared to the normal staking without freezing her assets is tremendous: she would receive a significant  $US 11,315 on top. Since Alice is thinking long term and has firm plans to build a house in the future, so she freezes her 1,000 DFI in order to enjoy the extra returns.

Figure 3: Alice’s investment - 10 years

Bob on the other hand is investing from a totally different perspective. His focus target is to receive enough cash flow from his investment to invite his wife to a once-in-a-lifetime, around the world cruise next year. For this purpose he transfers his DFI to Cake to generate the needed cash flow out of his investment to pay the cruise bill. Since Bob wants to maximize his returns, he directly navigates over to the ‘Freezer’ and keys in his data into the yield calculator.

The result is striking: by staking 100,000 DFI for 6 months, Bob would receive nearly $US 117,000 in cash flow, but if instead he would freeze his coins for 6 months, then he would earn an additional $US 2,000+ extra, which is enough to spoil his wife with some good champagne and her favorite pastries during the cruise (Figure 4). In the end, that’s a compelling case for Bob and without hesitation he freezes his 100,000 DFI, already planning out the trip details in his mind.

Figure 4: Bob’s investment - 6 months

If you also want to get your slice of the cake, then you can buy and invest Bitcoin on Cake DeFi.

Your Cake Team



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