Announcement Regarding Referral Eligibility For German Residents

Apr 20, 2022

We have just received notice from BaFin on 14 April 2022 that we have to suspend our affiliate and referral program for users in Germany who are referring other users in Germany. This is to comply with local regulatory requirements, as per other crypto companies such as ByBit.

  • With immediate effect, users in Germany will not be able to refer new users nor receive rewards from new referrals.
  • You will still continue to receive rewards from previous referrals.
  • If you are not based in Germany (but are blocked by this measure), you can appeal here (select Proof of Address). We will review the appeals on a case by case basis.

We at Cake DeFi are not pleased with this decision, but but we have to comply with local authorities. We are in the midst of a European license application and hope we have good news soon.



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