New Board Member at Cake Group

Jan 5, 2024

Singapore, 5th January 2024 - Cake Group, today announces the addition of a third member to its Board of Directors.

Following a successful vote by shareholders, company shareholder and VP of Product Engineering at Cake Group, Mr. Ben Zumbrunn is added to the Board of Directors, with a governance role covering strategic, fiscal and personnel decision-making at the Group.

“Our current Board structure leaves the company open to deadlock in Board-level decision-making. The addition of a third member removes this concern, while also protecting my value as a shareholder of the company,” said Mr. Zumbrunn.

Mr. Zumbrunn is one of Cake Group’s very first employees. And a familiar face amongst much of the community,

“My simple intention with this proposal is to protect the future of our company for colleagues and customers alike.”



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