Meet Your Baker: Shaun Lim

Meet Your Baker is a series casting the spotlight on Bakers (our employees), sharing who they are and their valuable contributions to the Cake Group.

Our Meet Your Baker shines the light on Shaun Lim in this edition, who is:

  • Lead Mobile Engineer for Bake, Cake’s retail vertical, Shaun strikes a fine balance between people management and programming.
  • An expert in the development of software applications, Shaun adeptly manages Bake’s app refresh and design system library.

Hi, Shaun! Tell Us About Yourself and Where You’re From

Shaun: My name is Shaun, and I’ve been baking in the lovely city of Singapore for nearly 2 years! I’m a mobile engineer at Bake, and I enjoy every single minute of my time here. 😍

Why Did You Choose to Join the Crypto Industry?

Shaun: It all started years ago when I was a poly (short for ‘polytechnic,’ a type of project-focused tertiary institution in Singapore) intern. Bitcoin had just been introduced during this time, and I developed an interest in it. After a quick readthrough of what bitcoin was, I set up my bitcoin wallet and left it alone for a while.

Nothing particularly exciting happened until the recent crypto market boom. My interest in crypto was rekindled by ethereum, as its blockchain technology vastly differed from bitcoin; its use of smart contracts and automated money makers presented many opportunities for meaningful use, and I was eager to explore them all.

As a software engineer, these different types of blockchain technology excite me, as they’re instrumental in reshaping finance to overturn the rigid principles of traditional banking.

Fun fact! I actually joined Bake as a user on a friend’s recommendation. When I later learned that one of my ex-colleagues was working here, I decided to apply for a job. The rest is history.

What Problems Do You Solve in Your Job?

Shaun: Everyone’s financial problems. 👀

Lame jokes aside, my team and I strive to simplify the DeFi process for our users, ensuring they consistently profit from a steady cash flow in the crypto space. This begins with a straightforward user-onboarding experience, followed by an easy crypto deposit process and transparent insights into their daily earnings.

These areas of focus are firmly rooted in two of Cake’s core values: customer obsession and ownership. We highly value our users’ feedback and reports, taking care to resolve any bugs and problems they highlight swiftly.

What Do You Love About Working at Cake?

Shaun: Being able to work with folks who’re on the same wavelength as you! We put in the effort to work hard all while not forgetting to have fun. More importantly, we support each other when facing challenges and celebrate each other’s wins.

There are times when the lines between work and life are blurred as we spend more time in the office together. I don’t see this as a problem that needs fixing, though; to me, the office is so much more than just a workplace. It’s a space where we work, yes, but it’s also where strong bonds of friendship are forged between like-minded people with the same passion for technology and crypto.

Oh, and how can I forget the complimentary dinners that we get after our weekly townhalls? Sue (our workplace associate at Cake) always orders massive platters of delish stuff from places like Arnold’s, Jollibee, and Four Fingers. 😋 Thank you, Sue!

What Was the Most Impactful Project You Worked On?

Shaun: Without a doubt, it would be the new mobile app we launched for Bake 3 months ago. Together with a dedicated team of talented mobile and backend developers, we went all out to rehaul our mobile app within 6 months.

This project was a game-changer, completely transforming our users’s experience with Bake. From streamlining our users’ onboarding process to simplifying their cash flow, the impact our new mobile app created for them was massive.

I’m honored to have borne witness to Bake’s evolution. It has come so far from the mundane interface it once had, having evolved into a sleek platform that was meticulously polished with the aid of our in-house design team.

It’s incredibly fulfilling for me to be part of a project that directly elevates our users’ experience with our services. I dare say that this project embodies our (and Cake’s) unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction.

Tell Us About a Memorable Moment at Work

Shaun: The development of Bake’s new mobile app! Picture this: We’re a team of passionate software engineers, each one with distinct ideas and mindsets. Despite our differences, all of us were armed with the same purpose: to complete and launch Bake’s new mobile app. Conflicts were inevitable as we navigated and ironed out our differences.

Individually, we had different perspectives on how the project should progress - even for seemingly straightforward matters like folder management. Ultimately, we consolidated our differences by dividing responsibilities based on our individual strengths.

We weren’t just engineers monitoring the growth of our app; we were no different from parents overseeing our child’s development. Developing Bake’s revamped mobile app truly shaped my working experience at Bake, making it memorable and unforgettable. I look forward to what the future holds for me at Bake!

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