Gain Financial Independence and Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) with Cake DeFi
Are you looking for a viable way to gain financial independence and save up for an early retirement? Look no further. With our newly launched F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence and Retire Early) promo, you can get started as early as today.
1. How does the promo work?
By simply signing up and creating a Cake DeFi account, new users can start allocating their preferred crypto assets into our Staking or Liquidity Mining services, and Freeze them for at least 6 months to receive up to US$1,000 worth of bonus in DFI.
2. When does the promo start?
The promo period is from 16 January 2023 to 06 Feb 2023.
3. How much should I allocate and how much are the bonuses?
There are four brackets that you can choose from. Each bracket are assigned with their respective F.I.R.E bonuses, as shown below:

All in all, the concept is simple: the more you allocate, the more F.I.R.E. bonus you receive.
4. When will I receive my F.I.R.E. bonus?
You will receive your F.I.R.E bonus immediately after successful allocation of crypto assets, and be able to unfreeze them after 1 month. That said, note that the bonus amount is calculated based on the user’s first allocation into the Freezer product. Bonuses do not stack.
5. How do I get started?
a. SIGN UP for a Cake DeFi account and successfully complete the KYC process before 06 February 2023
b. GO TO to our Staking page or Liquidity Mining page, and freeze your preferred crypto assets for at least 6 months before the end of the promotion (06 February 2023). Remember, the amount of crypto to be allocated should be based on the F.I.R.E bonus categories mentioned in item #3.
c. RECEIVE your F.I.R.E. bonus immediately after successful allocation of crypto assets. Once again, you'll be able to unfreeze them after 1 month. Also, remember that the bonus amount is calculated based on the user’s first allocation into the Freezer product. Bonuses do not stack.
And that’s it! You’re all set to gain Financial Independence and Retire Early.

If you’re interested to know more about the F.I.R.E. movement and how it relates to crypto investing, you may click here to read an article that we’ve published on our blog section.
So, what are you waiting for? Light up your F.I.R.E and take control of your financial destiny.