Cake DeFiChain Improvement & Community Proposals Voting Results!

Jan 11, 2021

Hey bakers,

Thank you all for voting on DeFiChain Improvement Proposal 3, 4, 5 & 6 and Community Development Fund Proposal 1!

Today we are proud to announce that all votes have been processed and the proposals successfully approved!

The Voting Results

All proposals were approved by a large majority.

If you want to get all the details, click here.

Overview of the most important numbers:

Out of 1307 voters (almost triple from what we had last time!):
- 93.2% approved DFIP 3
- 90.7% approved DFIP 4
- 80.9% approved DFIP 5
- 66.6% approved DFIP 6
- 89.3% approved CDFP 1

All Voting Results by voters, not DFI voted!

Measured in DFI:
Out of 14,748,017 DFI,
- 96.71% approved DFIP 3
- 94.70% approved DFIP 4
- 91.63% approved DFIP 5
- 82.32% approved DFIP 6
- 97.10% approved CDFP 1

This results in the following Masternode votings:
- 15 Cake masternodes approved, 1 rejected DFIP 3
- 14 Cake masternodes approved, 1 rejected DFIP 4
- 14 Cake masternodes approved, 2 rejected DFIP 5
- 13 Cake masternodes approved, 3 rejected DFIP 6
- 15 Cake masternodes approved, 1 rejected CDFP 1

If you are wondering why there are fewer masternodes (DFI voted) than last time, that’s simply because now some funds are in the new DEX & Liquidity Mining, which didn’t exist during the last proposals.


At Cake, we are very happy that the proposals were so well accepted by the community, and are looking forward to DeFiChain’s implementation within the next months!

To stay up to date, make sure you follow us here on Medium and join our discussions on Telegram:

Your Cake Team



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