Baking on Moon: DOGE Liquidity Mining for +420% APY!!
Hey bakers,
Elon's final destination may be Mars, but with DOGE we're currently heading straight TO MOON 🚀🚀
So of course it didn't take long for our master bakers and confectioners to prepare something delicious for the journey: DOGE Liquidity Mining directly on Cake DeFi for APYs of over 420%!!
Get ready. $DOGE Liquidity Mining is going live on Saturday. Rewards are 1 DFI per block and were sponsored by a few committed community members!! THANK YOU!! First 24h will be ramp up time!! Spread the word and get all #dogecoin holders to @defichain!!
— Dr. Julian Hosp (DFI = DeFi on Bitcoin!) (@julianhosp) January 29, 2021
The recipe is as follows:
- 50,000 DFI to be distributed in total as Rewards. This amount will be sponsored by Cake DeFi.
- The community is cordially invited to provide companions with provisions as well and to donate DFI themselves - some such generous DOGE fans have already been found! DOGE IS LOVE, DOGE IS LIFE!
- Deposits are already starting tomorrow!
- The first 24 hours rewards will be 0.01 DFI per block, after that 1 DFI per block!
The funding address:
If you want to provide DFI for DOGE Liquidity Mining, this is the donation address: dbzD1wUTqb1WQLHv9jz5M2fMF1h9VqaXyK
Baking. Barking. Benefiting from Liquidity Mining - Click Here to Register for Cake DeFi and let's get the dough rolling!
Your Cake DeFi Team